Thursday, November 15, 2007

Boom, Crash or Nothing!

Will the Real Estate market make a noise when it finally hits bottom? That seems to be what everyone is waiting on.

I say no. The market does not make a noise when it hits bottom. Only the numbers will tell you afterward, where the bottom was, and they will be historical numbers at that. And by then, you have missed the start of something big.

The market starts either by; someone speculating that others will buy what they produce, or people buying the excess of what was left over. When people start buying and diluting the inventory of the speculators, then others start jumping in to catch a ride on the momentum of the first in. At the same time investors start trying to become the middle-man in the process by buying and reselling. This will work for a while, but when your barber, or hair stylist, is telling you about the two properties they flipped, it's time to get out.

Not everyone can make money in the cycle, so when too many start to, the market corrects itself. Too many investors create an illusion that there are more buyers than there really are. The investors are buying to resell to the same buyers the speculators are looking for. At some point the speculators and others, who followed, have created too much, and the market runs out of buyers. So the market hits bottom, until it starts all over again.

People need houses, land and buildings. so they have to come back. If you have a need, find something that fits your need, at a price you can afford. Jump in, maybe you will be the noise that starts the market back up, all over again. Don't wait for the sound, like the 'great pumpkin,' it isn't coming.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Shaved butt?

I worked at a dog track in Pensacola, Florida, when I was a teenager. I scooped a lot of poop. But those stories are for another day. I am merely establishing my expertise for you. I want to teach you a few things about dog racing so you can impress your friends, or not show your ignorance, when you go to the track.

First, don't ask anyone what happens when the dog catches the rabbit. It is very rare. Second, if you ever played fetch with a dog, you know they are easily fooled. If a greyhound catches the rabbit, (which happens only when there's a power outage or a glitch), they will not remember and will still chase the rabbit.

No, they don't use live rabbits anymore. Not since 1912, when Patrick Smith invented the mechanical rabbit. No, the owners are not cruel to the dogs. They are generally treated just like your family pet. The owners know the dogs are their meal ticket. If the greyhound races and finishes 'in the money', (top 3 or 4, depending on the track) then the owner gets paid.

The dogs don't get distracted when you yell their names, during a race because; they are trying to catch that darn rabbit. Plus, they have two names; a racing name and a kennel name. You only know the racing name.

These sleek creatures are very gentle and make great pets. They wear muzzles because they are often in pens with thirty other dogs and occasionally they have a disagreement. They are too valuable to get nicked up because of a territorial squabble, over who pee's where. They wear painted muzzles on the track so they can see who a nose.

It doesn't take much knowledge to bet on the dogs at a dog race. (It takes some to win...) My wife looks for the dog who relieves itself. She says it works because it's lighter. I make no endorsements for that system.

I have two friends (one a lawyer) who actually picked a dog because it looked like it had a shaved butt. They know less about the dogs than my wife. At least her idea was remotely plausible. Anyway, their dog beat my dogs. Even though I had carefully reviewed the racing history of each dog, in the race, and chose four dogs that had the best records, Their 'bare bottomed' dog beat all of my dogs and I have never heard the end of it. Let's just say I am the butt of a lot of their jokes.

For an afternoon or evening of fun, take your friends to the dog track. Pick your favorite dog for any reason, including a shaved behind. You never know what could happen, trust me. Even if you lose a few bucks, at least you can answer some of those dumb questions your friends are sure to ask.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Something for your guests - Airboat Rides

When those relatives or friends come to visit Southwest Florida from Idaho City, Ohio or Des Moines, Minnesota, you need something fun to do when they have gotten on your nerves. You can let them sit around your pool and eat all of your hurricaine supplies or you can take them to the Florida Everglades.

This is something even you will enjoy. They recommend you wear ear protection, on the boat-ride, so you don't have to listen to your brother-in-law go on-and-on about his new tractor.

There are two types of air boat rides I like. The first is through the 'river of grass'. You can find a few of these vendors on US 41 East (Alligator Alley) between Everglade City and Miami. The ride on a four-seater or twenty-seater makes it's winding way through the sawgrass. This is a floating river of grass, ever changing. The ride is fast & fun and the gators are so cooperative. You will talk about it for days afterward.

My personal favorite ride is on the canals and rivers that run through the trees. There are two or three vendors in Everglade City that will take you on this trip. These boats are smaller 4 - 6 people but very fast and you will be amazed at the creatures who inhabit this vast space.

You will see manatees up close, gators big enough to eat you, You can hand feed schools of huge fish and only the camera lens will catch them taking it from your hand. You will see wild hogs and raccoons who walk on tree roots to get a hand out. Pelicans will land on your boat and expect a fish. It is a photo op, so be ready.

Even if you don't have any relatives or friends to go with you, go anyway. It's a great way to spend an afternoon. Stick a few marshmellows in your pocket, in case you see a hungry gator.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Florida, too hot or too windy - Nah!

I am one of those rare birds who was born in Florida. My accent is southern when I talk with others who have the same affliction. We have a tendency to shorten sentences and lengthen vowels. We don't drop our 'R's' we just hold on to them longer. Fortunately I don't write in 'southern' so you don't need an interpreter.

I want to dispel some myths about Florida, that are perpetuated by some who need them to be true, for their own reasons. I don't need any of these to be true or false, I am just acting as your tour guide to paradise.

Myth 1. 'It is too hot in the summer.' If I was roofing houses or picking oranges, I might agree, it is hot, but since most of my time is sitting in an air conditioned house, car or office with regular trips to the beach, golf course or bike rides, it is the perfect temperature for all of those activities. Your shirt may be wet with perspiration ( or swey-et) as we say in the south, but you can throw it in the wash, put on another and eat dinner out side on the patio, all year long.

Did you ever think we might want you to believe it is too hot so we can get on the golf course without having to wait. Nah!

Myth 2. Hurricanes will blow you away. Of all the things to be worried about, a hurricane is the least. I have lived in Florida for more than half my life and although we have had some disasters, and others have had losses, personally the most I ever lost was a beautiful tree in my back yard that would have not fallen if I had kept it trimmed. Hurricanes take a specific set of conditions to actually hit where you live. We get a weeks notice, which the people who have regular tornado's or wild fires would trade you a hurricane and never complain. The building permits people are requiring the builders to design homes and buildings that will stand despite the wind. Trust me, the percentages are on your side.

Come live in Paradise, if it's too hot, sit in the shade for a while, if they tell you a hurricane is coming, and you are really worried, put up your storm shutters, go visit your relatives in Iowa, take them some oranges, offer them a place to escape when it snows. They will say good things about you when you leave.