Friday, February 5, 2010

Serious Fun

We are a people inspired to help others in need. No matter the cause, especially, when those in need are among us. It tugs at your heart. The Naples Area Board of Realtors (NABOR) Golf Outing was an example of this. We found a group in need and our members responded in kind, and had great fun doing it.

This golf event, which this year, 2009, had a sellout of 116 golfers at Olde Cypress CC, originally started as a reward and respite for our Realtor members, but has evolved into the dual role of also supporting a local charity.
In the worst economy we have faced in many years, our event raised a record $21,272 for our chosen charity, The Naples Equestrian Challenge, Inc. ( Our sponsors also opened their hearts and checkbooks to help.
There are so many causes, and they are hard to choose from. Every cause is great to those who live it. NEC uses equine therapy for clients with mobility problems, such as Autism, Down Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Head Trauma, Brain Injury, Spina Bifida and more.

Zach Rosenberg, a lively red-haired second grader has Apraxia, a disease which affects his non-speech and speech movement. The three dimensional motion of the horse stimulates his nerves and improves his posture and confidence so he can be mainstreamed with other children his age, helping him to become a 'typical kid,' according to his mother.
Tiffany Billings, a sophomore at Naples High, could not walk in 1999 before coming to NEC. now Tiffany is, as she says in her personal bio, "running around campus and making A's & B's."
Steve Nolan, a 41 year old rider with Cerebral Palsy who has not been able to ride since the first of the year, 2009, due to safety reasons of mounting the horses. He will benefit directly, by being the first to use the portable ramp and electric lift, which will be purchased using the money we raised. These stories and more, made it real for all of us.

Using a golf term, Zack, Tiffany and Steve all got a 'bad bounce' in life. NEC and the NABOR Golf Committee are giving them a 'mulligan' of sorts. Our committee was proud to help. We came for the fun but our hearts made us dig down deep for a good cause.
This outing and response is emblematic of the people on the Naples Area Board of Realtors, their committees, members, employees, and their supporting sponsors and contributors to the NABOR Charity Golf Outing. We thank you for your participation and generosity, NEC thanks you, and Zack, Tiffany and Steve thank you too.

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