Friday, August 27, 2010

Your Class Reunion

Even if you do not have fond memories of your school years, certainly there are some friends, you remember fondly. Connsider attending your next school reunion, just on the chance that some of those friends may be there and remember you the same way.

Recently, in preparing for a small reunion of my own, I have, through the internet and 'social media' connected with a few people I knew as a teenager. I certainly could have managed my entire life without seeing some of these people again. There is really not much now that we have in common, after all these years. But the bond that you form during your formative years is very strong. You are, in essence, comrades in arms, trudging your way together through life, adolescence, puberty, school, parents, siblings, etc, etc.

One way to put yourself into the right frame of mind is to spend an hour with your old school year books/memory books. Read the things your friends wrote to you, or about you and I promise it will bring back lots of memories.

Go to your reunion without expectations. Forget about trying to lose weight or get your wrinkles tightened. Nobody who matters will care. Your true friends will certainly not care, as long as you are there. Go with the purpose to connect, or reconnect, with those whom you shared both trials and tribulations.

We carry our entire life somewhere in our memory. Some memories, just need a little spark to come back into focus. Seeing and speaking to your school friends will bring them back like a flood. You will have no regrets, unless you do not go.

O.B Keeler, a reporter for the Atlanta Constritution, wrote that when Bobby Jones, one of the most famous golfers, retired, ..." he will build a house by the sea, so men that were boys when I was a boy, shall sit and drink with me." Just like Bobby, I think we all want a taste of those times, even, if only for little while.

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